MasterMind DreamMakers Guidebook


$29.95 $24.95



MasterMind DreamMakers GuidebookThe award winning MasterMind DreamMakers Guidebook is a unique, “inner-active” guide designed to help families work together to unlock their inner power. Enter a world of love and imagination where the art of Dream Making begins! Practice the law of attraction and the MasterMind Keys to success to create the life you’ve always wanted. All ages will enjoy participating in this exciting adventure of fun, self-discovery and personal growth. Expand your mind and enhance your life!

The guidebook contains over two hundred full color pages of fables, games, activities, music, poetry, imagination exercises, science, drama, power talk, puppet shows and a colorful 11”x17” fold out board game!
Order the guidebook now and begin to feel the inspiration and inner strength that will change your life forever.

2 Commentsto MasterMind DreamMakers Guidebook

  1. johannasrose says:

    MasterMindDreamMakers is a unique book that brings parents and children together. In this modern day computerized time it is easy to rely on communicating through technology but this guidebook produces children and parents to interact with one another, which creates intimacy and communication. The characters in the book are fascinating and the information produces children to focus on the positive aspects of themselves and life. “MasterMindDreamMakers” teaches both parents and children that they have the ability to attain the highest standard possible and gives keys that allow the child to call forth the power within themselves to make their life positive and fulfilling. This book is a wonderful tool to bring families together!

    Donna Marie Cusano, Author of “Johanna’s Rose”

  2. Susan says:

    A creative and imaginative approach to learning. The lessons are beautifully presented and combine fun with essential developmental activities. A new world of knowledge that students, parents and teachers can share and enjoy.

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