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Everything works from the inside out
MasterMind DreamMaker Cyber Academy
The original meaning of the word “education” is to “draw out from within”. To truly educate is to nurture the deep inner faculties of imagination, intuition, mental health and emotional stability. All materials on this website are designed to develop these capacities in parents, teachers and children.
Do you believe in education that nourishes the body, mind, emotions and Spirit?. . . One that not only feeds the mind, but expands it?
Do you want to be IN-POWER to create a joyful, successful life?
Do you want children to feel empowered too?
Do you desire respect in your life, and for children too?
Do you want to feel safe and secure in times of change and challenge?
Do you desire peace in your life and in the world?
Do you want to feel peaceful in your own heart and mind?
Do you believe that adults and kids can help each other grow to have a better life?
MasterMind DreamMaker Cyber Academy is an online resource center, dedicated to educating the whole person, by helping adults and kids live happier, more peaceful, fulfilling lives. You will have access to FREE downloadable materials when you join the MasterMind Cyber Academy.
We offer a series of FREE downloadable materials called “Mini Kits” to use with your family, youth program, home school or classroom. The Mini Kits are fun, interactive, inspiring and empowering units offering tools for adults and kids to learn life skills together. You’ll enjoy games, bright ideas and activities that activate love, compassion, imagination, self-awareness and global awareness. We also offer free downloadable stories, games and puppet shows for kids.
The Keys to Peace Mini Kit can be downloaded for FREE when you join MasterMind Cyber Academy. It is easily used in families, schools, and youth groups for grades 1-5. This fully illustrated Mini Kit is interactive, experiential and fun, helping kids practice the 8 Keys to Peace. It is available in Spanish and English. The Mini Kit contains an easy to follow teacher’s manual with bright ideas, discussions, games, positive self-talk, and relaxation exercises. It also provides simple but powerful Keys to help children and their teachers experience peace in themselves and in their world. The kit also contains an eight page illustrated book (to download and copy) for the kids to color, discuss and keep. Also downloadable are the 8 Keys to Peace to hang on the wall as reminders. As a supplement to the Mini Kit, download “Lani’s Dream” from Kids Zone. It is a fable about how to find peace in yourself and your world.
The Mind with Wings Mini Kit reveals the secrets of being a MasterMind DreamMaker and offers tools to be IN-POWER. It can be downloaded FREE for anyone who joins the Academy. Read and discuss the book with your children to discover how to unlock the power within yourself. Play the games and have fun practicing the keys to find your inner power. Mind with Wings will help you and your children become master of your mind so you can be master of your life. You will learn how emotions affect your life, and how to explore Inner Space and change your thoughts to calm down upsetting feelings. The Presence Key reveals that by staying in the present moment and “being here now”, we tune in to the power of the universe. This Mini Kit includes six downloadable keys to cut out and hang on the wall as a reminder.
Kids Zone presents fun stories, puppet shows, games and activities that inspire creativity and delight young minds. The games are downloadable and played as group and family games. The puppet shows include a script and patterns to make paper bag puppets.
MasterMindDreamMakers.com links you to our MasterMind DreamMaker Guidebook website featuring our award winning book in psychology and self help.
The OccupyInnerSpace.com link takes you to our inspiring website helping people discover that by being master of ourselves, we can change the world.